In the unproduced sequel Revenge of the Old Queen, it is implied that Dr. In the musical The Rocky Horror Show and the film The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975), Riff Raff ( Richard O'Brien) and Magenta ( Patricia Quinn) are revealed to be brother and sister who have a sexual relationship.The fourth story features a fictionalized Lucrezia Borgia having sex with her brother and father the short ends with the baptism of Lucrezia's baby, implied to be fathered by her own father. The first story features two cousins who have sex by the beach. Two of the shorts of the anthology film Immoral Tales (1973) deal with incest.The American horror films The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (original series 1974–1994 and remake series 2003–2006) and Wrong Turn (2003) feature villains who are the product of inbreeding.2.1 Several kinds of incest on the same seriesįilm Incestuous families or several kinds of incest in one film or a film series.1.4.6 Relationship unknown to the characters.
1.3.2 Relationship unknown to the characters.1.1 Incestuous families or several kinds of incest in one film or a film series.